Article by Robert Lee Brewer
I'm excited to announce that WritersMarket.com finally has a blog! Click here to check it out. Right now, there are a few article excerpts, writing videos, and a welcome post. However, I have created an editorial calendar, which means the content will be exploding over the next few weeks.
In addition to market profiles, interviews, and helpful advice, I'd love to get WritersMarket.com newsletter readers involved through the act of guest posting. If you think you have a great idea or two for a WritersMarket.com guest post, please send it my way to [email protected] with the subject line: WM Blog Guest Post.
If you're not ready to guest post but would like to see certain subjects covered, then please send me an e-mail as well. I'm looking forward to making the WritersMarket.com blog the go-to resource for writers wanting to get published and paid for their writing.
(NOTE: If you're unable to access, it means you either need to log in or sign up.) Click link to read more. (Quite of bit of great info on the blog, check it out.)