I challenge you to stand on the bathroom scale (shudder) and write the numbers you see on the scale on your bathroom mirror in permanent marker (washes off easily with Windex). Why the bathroom mirror? You have to brush your teeth and your hair every day through those numbers (shudder again). Change your eating habits for one month, eat only single ingredient foods like I do. What does that mean? Pretty simple, the food I eat has to be made up of a single ingredient that are real food (came from nature, not a lab), no chemicals. I combine my single ingredient foods to create a meal, for example, diced chicken, fresh broccoli, fresh celery, onion, and fresh garlic sauted in olive oil and for desert, a frozen banana blended in a blender (tastes and has texture of banana ice cream). I can eat as much as I want, as often as I want, and what I want as long as it is single ingredient (no chemicals). The only added fats I use are olive oil, sometimes vegetable oil, and real butter. There are many variations of the single ingredient meal plans.
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Happy Single Ingredient Eating!
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Happy Single Ingredient Eating!